Morsbags FAQs

  • Each quilt offered is accompanied by a bag to carry it home in.

    Morsbag is an initiative that encourages makers to create unique bags to a set pattern, from recycled materials. Once a label has been added they are released into the world as a positive way to reduce global plastic and pollution.

    Bags made by Q4CL members, to a specific size, will be offered along with each Hug from Q4CL. Initially, it serves to take the quilt home in but later can meet any use the care leaver finds for it e.g. shopping, laundry or storage.

    To find out more:

    Q4CL Morsbags

  • We have a Q4CL pod on the Morsbag website. Q4CL2019. If you become a member of Morsbag then you can request to join the pod. It doesn’t cost anything and joining doesn’t commit you to making anything either.

    The pods are usually people in one area or making for a specific charity or cause. As they periodically post the numbers made it’s a good way to keep a tally of the numbers we have made and have these added to the Morsbag overall total.

    Pod members can not add to the tally or interact on the page, it just identifies you as a member of the pod and what cause you are making bags for.

    Morsbag is an international initiative

  • Morsbag labels are available from the Morsbag website. It’s the cheapest way to buy them.

  • No, to avoid complications, we don’t accept any quilts with licensed fabrics.

    If you have the complete width of the fabric with the selvedges attached, it will state whether it is a licensed fabric clearly at the edge. If in doubt, please ask us.

  • YES – you can donate money directly to us or buy a gift from our webshop. The proceeds are used to buy backings and waddings to finish our Block Drive hugs.

    If you have fabric you’d like to donate so others can use it in a Q4CL project, you can do so via the Fabric Friends Facebook Group. If you are not on Facebook, contact us and we’ll see how best we can help.

“I'm 21 and a care leaver. I'm a member of Who Cares? Scotland and I received a quilt from you guys. It is honestly the most amazing thing I have ever received. I've had it on my bed every single night since I received it.”

Who Cares? Scotland Young Care Leaver